The next day was the annual DIS host family picnic. This is an event where all the host families and Danish roommates come to Staunings Plæne in Klampenborg. The picnic was by the beach and it was a beautiful sunny day out. From the beach you can see the many windturbines that are all over Denmark. You can also see Sweden across the Baltic Sea and Køge Bugt. It was a warm day out, around 65 F, and there were a few people swimming in the water. DIS brought kayaks and activities. I didn’t kayak because with my luck, I would flip the boat or be caught by a wave and end up in Sweden. So we stuck to the shore and watched the swimmers and girls riding horses through the water. While we were there we socialized with other families, ate sandwiches, and drank soda. While I was going to take a sip of the applesin soda (an orange soda drink… not apple, although it looks like it… that's a lot less sugary than American orange soda) that I got from the front table a bee crawled on top. I didn't realize it was there and proceeded to take a sip and immediately was stun on the inside of my upper lip. It was extremely painful and I spit out the soda all over the ground and the little bee flew out. At first I think my host family and others thought I was crazy, but then realized what had happened. It was funny, but very uncomfortable. Luckily I'm not allergic! My lip swelled up to an enormous size and I looked like a fish. But it's an interesting story. (My family thinks I'm a bit accident pr
After the picnic my family and I drove through Køpenhagen. Carsten pointed out all the important buildings in teh city, such as the Supreme Court, Black Diamond Library, and one of the jails. We went to Køge , a town north of Greve (where my host family lives). There we saw the harbor with all the boats and got ice cream (which helped the progressive swelling of my lip). We drove through Køge Afterwards we ventured home, ate dinner, and watched a really bad American movie (we all agreed that it was terrible).
Today, Mandag, I went to school and came home after class. Nana greeted me happily at the door and I went to do some homework. It's starting to feel like home away from home here, although I do miss everyone of course!