Vienna, Austria: November 3-6
Vienna, the city of music. Actually, Vienna is considered to be the classical capitol of the world-- and for good reason. Musicians such as Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss, and Schubert all called Vienna (or Austria) home at some point in time. While there, I continuously had the Sound of Music's "The Hills Are Alive" stuck in my head on loop. But all the same, the Austria is a beautiful and inspiring country.
During our first full day in Vienna, my mom and I started off by having breakfast at our pension. Afterwords we gathered information from Klaus, our helpful pension manager, about how to get around the city. We then headed off towards Stephensplatz-- the heart of Vienna's hustle and bustle. The square is a combination of historical buildings, such as St. Stephen's cathedral, and cosmopolitan shopping centers. They are all connected through the main walking street (of course compiled of cobblestones, which after a few days of traveling on can hurt the feet pretty badly). Along the street are tourist shops such as "Mostly Mozart." There must the equivalence of "Mostly Mozarts" in Vienna as there are Candy Kitchens in Ocean City.
Although St. Stephen's cathedral was partially covered in scaffolding (it was being cleaned) the gothic structure is still awesome in size and quite gorgeous with it's enormous towers and mosaic tiled roof. Inside my mom and I climbed the 343 spiral steps up the south tower. The steps were located in the small, cramp

After climbing back down the 343 Stephensplatz, the two of us grabbed some hot dogs to nourish ourselves after that tiring hike. We then of course indulged and stopped at one of the popular bakeries, Aida, for a cup of tea and a too tempting dessert. We casually strolled down the cobblestone streets until we reached the famous opera house where Mozart performed his first piece for the royal family of Vienna. We would later return to the opera house during our trip so that we could take a guided tour of the inside, but for now, we merely circled the outside.
I followed my mom as she directed us to the outside of one of the lavish Habsburg palaces, the Hofburg palace. I can imagine that the outside of the palace is gorgeous in the summers as well as when it is dusted with winter but I don't think either can compare the golden colors of autumn. The leaves had just finished transitioning from green to a light golden and orange hue and had just begun to sprinkle the earth. We sat on the park benches and relaxed a bit. Although we didn't go inside the castle, I can only fathom the greatness of it. While closing my eyes for a bit on the park bench I pondered what it would be like to be a princess and open the lavish front doors to such a beautiful courtyard that looks into the city of Vienna.
After a little rest, we gathered ourselves and headed back to Stephansplatz where at one of the churches next to the cathedral was holding a free concert. We sat in the pews of the church for nearly a half an hour and listened as the organ rang through the giant pipes. Unfortunately neither my mom or I especially enjoy the organ, but it was free and Vienna is known for music. That night my mom and I dined at a chain restaurant called "Weinerwald." I don't know if we chose it based on the food or the entertaining name. But none the less, the food was actually very delicious.
The next morning we r
Then we continued walking our tired feet to the opera house for a guided tour. The opera house has held som
The next morning after waking up literally before the crack of dawn, we stumbled out of bed to catch a plane to our next destination-- possibly one of the most historical cities of the world-- Rome.